![فوائد أكل الثوم](https://modo3.com/thumbs/fit630x300/45425/1431331674/%D9%81%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%AF_%D8%A3%D9%83%D9%84_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AB%D9%88%D9%85.jpg)
The benefits of eating garlic is a plant of the species Albsaliat, which is white and tastes unpalatable and has a strong odor, but it carries the benefits that can not be predicted, where garlic contains a large amount of vitamin C, it also contains a good amount of iron good quantity of zinc, and also it contains mineral salts and a good proportion of carbohydrates and fats. And it must save the garlic in a well ventilated, dry place, because to save in the refrigerator lose its medicinal properties and benefits. And garlic immense benefits it activates blood circulation of the body, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, as well as lowering blood pressure, helping to lower the ratio of LDL in the blood Alchollstorol; thereby avoiding a stroke. And it is also anti-bacteria and fungi It protects the body from sepsis and works to kill viruses and toxins resulting from the different foods and methods of the types of digested and is based on improving the body's immunity, and make it more resistant to disease, and most important of these diseases, cancer of all kinds. Therefore, to eat garlic consistently great benefits, as it can be taken in various forms, whether fresh or cooked, or through the use of garlic oil, although it would prefer not to use it in this way because it loses a lot of its properties due to volatilization, and can be added also to other materials to facilitate the process easily swallowed and get the benefits without the risks. Can garlic eating a variety of ways to suit everyone young and old, infants, it is counter-effective for bacteria and parasites of all kinds, fungi, and viruses all, where it can be dealt with Nia through cut up into small pieces and then swallowed with the appropriate amount of water, it can work this way on an empty stomach to sterilize the body and clean it of microbes, which is an important factor in giving the appropriate hair gloss, and helps to get rid of the crust, and the strengthening of the scalp, and gives the skin the necessary serenity and freshness. Can also be mixed with yogurt garlic pieces and eaten using a spoon is repelling gas, and laxative for bowel movements and helps maintain the agility of the body. A recent study has shown that mixing the garlic pieces with treacle and left for a period of one day be useful in dealing with cases of colds and colic that afflict children in the winter, it works antibiotic action while maintaining the body's immunity, antibiotic Unlike which works to weaken. Also, eating a spoonful of the mixture treats asthma and cough cases. Studies have reported that eating garlic significantly useful in reducing the cancer cells, making it the protection of the body from Algulwn cancers, and breast, esophagus and skin, as it protects against strokes. It also demonstrated that eating garlic during pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia and help fetal development is completed in the normal manner.
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