![فوائد شراب التمر الهندي](https://modo3.com/thumbs/fit630x300/48131/1434360149/%D9%81%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%AF_%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A8_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%85%D8%B1_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D9%8A.jpg)
Is tamarind syrup of the most natural juices consumed in the holy month of Ramadan, especially in the summer, as there is hardly any table of Ramadan it is the top of B's assets as well as dates, soups, and opens its Alsaimon meal because it is cool juice soothing and refreshing, compensate vitamins, minerals and sugars that the body loses during a hard day of fasting, and taste delicious moisturizes the body and relieves the feeling of thirst, and tells the thirst and refreshes the body's cells and give it energy and vitality again. Tamarind and tamarind tree perennial plant follows a platoon legumes grow very fast and altitudes trees towering, flowers yellow cluster, the timber Red Steel, leaves the vehicle, and is the tropical Africa is the original home of this fruit, in addition to its presence in Egypt, the Caribbean, India and other areas in the world, and is extracted from tamarind juice drenched this fruit and add sugar to him to submit to drink after cooling. It contains tamarind juice malic acid, citric acid and tartaric, and materials holding, and mineral salts; such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, sodium, chlorine, also contains volatile oils, and vitamin B-3, and fats, and is sugar and pectin, and antibiotics natural, acids, and fiber. Benefits Indian syrup benefit tamarind to prevent thirst, lubricate the intestines, and the expulsion of intestinal gas, and fight constipation, and treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids anal, also removes vomiting, nausea and stomach problems, which is an effective antacid treatment, also handles liver disorders. It also anthelmintic and intestinal parasites because it contains anti-bacterial properties. Tamarind stimulates the performance of the immune system and is a lowering of the temperature and cure for fever, colds and flu, and stop the mucus and coughing because it contains antioxidants. Fights tamarind growth and spread of free radicals generated by the presence of a high proportion of antioxidants in which cancerous tumors. Reduce drinking tamarind of blood sugar is appropriate for diabetics, and prevents oxidation of the pancreas, which usually accompanies diabetes. Helps Indian drink dates on blood purification and reduction of acidity and get rid of toxins and waste it. Tamarind juice stimulates metabolism, and thus helps to lose weight and fight obesity. According tamarind in the treatment of eye problems; such as chronic conjunctivitis, dry eye by placing drops of juice, tamarind pulp in the eye. It has anti-inflammatory properties; therefore used to soothe throat infections and tonsillitis, as well as rheumatic arthritis. Tamarind helps to improve the health of the skin; it gives the skin glow and glow and freshness and youth and give it moisture and prevent dryness, and reduce the appearance of grain and deal with burns and help to regenerate dead cells. Tamarind lowers the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the likelihood of heart coronary artery disease, stroke and atherosclerosis.
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